Jered, your original post was a perfect tease as to the ongoing valuations of the companies & their investments in the marketplace. Todays post sheds a bit more light on the subject but what would be equally interesting is the movements of the Corp ownwers on the stock exchange.

Is their any value in your providing links to those stock tickers, would their be any boost to the value of your enterprise from the firms & the markets?

It's often said any news is good news to the marketing dept & usually they pay influencers.....

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Hey Peter - thanks for reading, I appreciate it! That is an interesting point.

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Wild to see how "entertainment focused" golf has become over the last few years. Good? Bad? I think it's just changing times (people will adjust).

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Golf entertainment is going to continue to grow. Topgolf wants to build 150 more venues! In my opinion - off-course golf is still early.

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Jered - have you heard any of the feedback on popstroke? Any idea on how many people are playing at a location? Thx

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What is your source about Popstroke needing an acre to build? The Scottsdale location is on 4 acres.

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