Economic impact is an interesting concept. While an event may generate lots of spending, much of that might just be substituting for other retail or entertainment spending that would have happened anyway. There are multiple studies that show that taxpayers subsidizing professional sports stadiums never pay off. All that said, there is no doubt the PGA Championship benefited Louisville due to the many people from outside the area who visited. Contrast that with the Byron Nelson which had only a modest impact at best.
Your map raises a couple of interesting questions: What does the PGA have against the West? Are their TV partners driving this clear bias?
Economic impact is an interesting concept. While an event may generate lots of spending, much of that might just be substituting for other retail or entertainment spending that would have happened anyway. There are multiple studies that show that taxpayers subsidizing professional sports stadiums never pay off. All that said, there is no doubt the PGA Championship benefited Louisville due to the many people from outside the area who visited. Contrast that with the Byron Nelson which had only a modest impact at best.
San Francisco.